[:es]Metal (patina)30 cm1500 a.d. - 600 a.d.Irán * Preguntar precio por ChatBox[:en]Metal (patina)30 cm1500 a.d. - 600 a.d.Iran * Ask for Price by ChatBox[:]
[:es]Metal (patina)4 cm x 7 cm210 b.c. - 30 a.d. (Han dynasty)China * Preguntar precio por ChatBox[:en]Metal (patina) 4 cm x 7 cm 210 b.c. - 30 a.d. (Han dynasty) China * Ask for Price by ChatBox[:]
[:es]Metal (patina)5 cm x 17.5 cm210 b.c. - 30 a.d. (Han dynasty)China * Preguntar precio por ChatBox[:en]Metal (patina) 5 cm x 17.5 cm 210 b.c. - 30 a.d. (Han dynasty) China * Ask for Price by ChatBox[:]
[:es]Metal13 cm x 8 cm diámetroSiglo 19África * Preguntar precio por ChatBox[:en]Metal13 cm x 8 cm diameter19 CenturyAfrica * Ask for Price by ChatBox[:]
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