In a world full of contemporary replicas, we saw the need to offer our clients only authentic pieces, with the disctinctive beauty that solely antique pieces possess.

“After an extensive worldwide gallery research we are proud to present in Mexico a collection (selection) that can only be seen at the best antique galleries worldwide.”

What you will find in this gallery, surely you wont´t find anywhere in Latin America, as it took several generations to gather such an important and so wonderfully preserved heritage.

Little by little, we will be adding more pieces to this gallery to brothen it’s diversity. (variety). It will be a pleasure to assist you. Please feel free to ask for the pieces’ prices.

*For more information, please contact us by e-mail, through our contact information button, so we can solve all your doubts regarding delivery costs and conditions, also if you´d like to see the piece phisically we can arrange a meeting. Special prices when interesed in more than one piece.

**Shipping cost is borne by the buyer.

Antiques’box is born the year 2020 at Guadalajara, Mexico as an alternative for those searching for rare antiques and colection pieces which are hard to find.

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